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The White Beach Huts

The White Town on Løkken Beach. 

Every year, from May to September, little white houses capture the attention on the beach.

Løkken Beach Huts

In summertime, there are approximately 500 private beach huts in Løkken. They form ‘The White City’. The locals enjoy the North Sea from here. Travellers can enjoy the city symbol and the special sight of the light reflecting off a range of the white huts.

Pearls on a string

On the beach in Løkken, the white beach huts are like pearls on a string. Originally, the beach huts were on wheels and they were dragged to the beach to serve as changing rooms for the hotel guests.

Too successful

In 1925 the building process of private beach huts peaked and the design of the houses changed as they got windows. In addition, bathing became a public activity. The beach huts literally became too successful as they were decorated and used as holiday cottages. However, in 1933, it was prohibited to spend the night in the huts. Later on, regulations were made to ensure that the huts were placed in straight lines and that they were painted white. They are positioned 10 to 15 meters from the edge of the dunes, so the facades of the huts form a straight line or a regular curve.

Local ownership

The majority of the beach huts are owned by locals, who buy the license from the municipality and then it is up to the owner to acquire a beach house. There are special regulations for the size of the huts. They are often inherited through generations but the beach license still needs to be acquired through the municipality. It is prohibited to stay the night in the huts, but during daytime, locals enjoy the summer and the view of the North Sea from their beach huts. The municipality has permitted 485 beach huts to be placed at the beach – in local terms they are referred to as 'the bathing houses’. There is a long waiting list for the huts at the moment.

Travellers can enjoy the sight

It is not permitted to rent the huts to guests though many wish to do so. However, the huts are part of the city experience and have become iconic, along with the signal mast and the water tower in the dunes by Løkken beach.

Beach huts in the townscape

The beach huts are landmarks for Løkken and they are part of the interior design of some of the local shops, including the fashion shop ‘Levins’. Their changing rooms are designed as beach huts. Restaurant Løkken Badehotel has also decorated a separate room as a beach hut. It is for special events. The hardware store ‘Kop & Kande’ sells miniature beach huts as souvenirs.

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