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Kitesurfing on Laesoe - kitespot Stokken

Læsø is a mecca for kitesurfers, and the area by Stokken southwest of Vesterø attracts many kitesurfers every year - especially in week 39 for this year's Kite Camp on Læsø.

Stokken on Læsø - top kite spot

A fantastic place, about 4 km from Vesterø Harbor - when the wind is south to west. The stick is a channel, approx. 2 km long and approx. 100 m wide, and when the wind is in the right direction, ultra-shallow water (0-150 cm)

There is ultra-flat water and good stable wind and no rocks. The spot is a channel which is about 2 km long and 100-150m wide with a lake at each end with water to a little above the knees most places, but also large areas with deeper / lower water but it is incredibly easy to see where it is.

The area is for all surfers, but it is best if you have reasonable kite control and can stand fine on the board, as it is not so wide everywhere. There are incredibly good lauch and landing conditions.

Stokken is often home to a lot of kite surfers, especially in week 39, when Læsø Kite Klub runs its always sold-out Kite camp with more than 100 kite surfers from most of the north.

The area between Læsø and Stokken is, as written, a fantastic place, and is popular, among other things, because you can get some incredibly long runs - often several kilometres. There are also jumps if the wind is right, and in 2021 Danish Rasmus Frejlev could set a new height record on Stokken - a German had it earlier with 20.5 meters, but in week 39 in 2021 Rasmus pulled up to 21.9 meters!

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