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Horses and horseback riding in Himmerland

If you want to experience Himmerland on horseback, here you can learn how to navigate the nature of Himmerland on horseback.

Horseback Riding

Do you know anything more beautiful than experiencing the nature and its lovely forests or windy waters from the back of a horse? The possibilities are endless in Mariagerfjord, but before you go in to nature there are a few things that are good to know.

Down below you can find the different rules on how to act with horses in the nature.



In Public Forests

As a ground rule, horseback riding is allowed in public forests. You can ride step and trot on asphalted roads, stone-paved roads and gravel roads wider than 2,5 meters along with other roads if it shows according to the signs, but not on open areas. Signs with “Riding not allowed” along with hunting or working conditions has to be respected. It is not allowed to use fallen trees or the like for leaping.


In Private Forests

In private forests it is up to the owner if and where it is allowed to go horseback riding. If there isn’t any “Riding not allowed” or signs with information, you are allowed to ride on private common roads that lead through forests. Here you can find an overview of which private forests allow horseback riding: www.skovforeningen.dk


On the Beach

In the period of September 1st to May 31st horseback riding is allowed on the non-vegetated shore and down to the beach, if it has legal access.

At the protected dunes, it is only allowed on landscaped roads and the non-vegetated shore as long as there isn’t any signs saying otherwise. If you have any uncertainty about whether you are allowed or not, please contact the local unit of the nature agency: 0045 7254 3000.


Etiquette for horseback riding on areas of the nature agency ’Naturstyrelsen’

  • Please use the riding-paths, since horses in fast pace ruins the forest-roads for cyclists, strollers, wheelchairs and challenged walkers.
  • When possible, please ride on the side of gravel roads
  • Ride slowly and stay to the right when passing walkers or cyclists
  • Always ride slowly past other riders
  • Don’t use fallen trees, ditches or the like for leaping
  • Show respect for others and for nature


In the Open

Horseback riding in the open is allowed on roads and paths, unless sign show that it is forbidden. Notice that usually it is not allowed riding on non-vegetated areas, fallow fields and the like, unless you have permission from the owner.


Bathing with horses

Bathing in lakes requires the permission of the lake-owner. Bathing in the sea is allowed as long as you respect the rules written in the above ‘On the Beach’.


Useful Links:


Dansk Skovforening (private forests)

Lille Vildmose shelterplads med hestefold

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