Danhostel Skansen
At the top of Nørresundby, ten minutes from Aalborg C, you will find Danhostel Skansen. Here you can spend the night with a view of the Limfjord, on the beautiful sunny side.
Historic Nørresundby
Nørresundby is full of history and exciting experiences, and only a short walk from the Limfjord Bridge connecting to central Aalborg, where the view by the way is beautiful. From the starting point in Nørresundby, it is a short way to Lindholm Høje and it's viking history. Likewise, it is worth exploring the history of the city armory and the fire in Nørresundby. The people of Sundby are historically proud of the city, but today the distance to Aalborg on the other side of the Fjord is not present, so you can look forward to combining the whir of history with a modern metropolis and what it includes.
Shopping and art
Aalborg is a city where experiences are not far away. Whether you're looking for paintings at Kunsten, the Zoo, or going on a shopping trip, you can experience it near Danhostel Skansen. Likewise, you can easily find your way around the beautiful gable paintings that characterize the cityscape in Aalborg.
Experiences in house
Danhostel Skansen er meget mere end bare overnatning. Brug eftermiddagen i det lækre wellnessområde i Svømmeland, hvor du kan få det berømte saunagus. Eller tag børnene med i vandrutschebanen. Er vejret godt, kan du udfordre nerverne med en tur på Nordjyllands længste svævebane, over Nørresundbys egen kridtgrav, eller få sat familiehierakiet på plads i minigolf. Skal du på afslappet ferie, tempofyldt storbytur, eller ud og bruge kroppen på idræt, har Danhostel Nørresundby IC lige hvad du søger.
Har du brug for tips til planlægning af din rejse og oplevelser, kan du skrive til: info@oplevskansen.dk
Danhostel Skansen is much more than just accommodation. Spend the afternoon in the delicious wellness area in the pool land, where you can get the famous saunagus. Or take the kids on the water slide. If the weather is good, you can challenge your nerves with a trip on North Jutland's longest cable car, over Nørresundby's own chalk pit, or put the family hierarchy in place in mini golf. If you are going on a relaxed holiday, a fast-paced city trip, or going out and exercising your body, Danhostel Nørresundby IC has just what you are looking for.
If you need tips for planning your trip and experiences, you can write to: info@oplevskansen.dk
Longitude: 9.93495602
Latitude: 57.06457853